デフジャパン新しいオフィス DeafJapan new office

デフジャパンは6月3日に移転します。 新しいオフィスは下記の通りです。

540-0038 大阪市中央区内淡路町1丁目4-9 3F ニフコビル


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DeafJapan 1 Minute Sign Finish 一分手話 終わり.mov

DeafJapan 1 Minute Sign Finish 一分手話 終わり

DeafJapan Going Away Party for Sherry シェリーさんの送別会.mov

She talks about her experience and travels in Japan. Her favorite JSL signs, as well as her non-favorite JSL signs. (Sorry no subtitles)

シェリー先生のインターンシップ経験 Sherry's Internship Experience.mov

Sherry talks about what it is like to intern in DeafJapan. Here are her insights

DeafJapan Minute Signs No 違う.mov

One Minute, One Word, One Sentence. 「 1 分」「1 つの単語」「1 つの文」! ASL: No 日本手話:違う Now you try and practice. 皆さんも練習してみて下さいね。 visit us at HP見て下さい: www.deafjapan.com

DeafJapan Minute Signs はい Yes.mov

One Minute, One Word, One Sentence. 「 1 分」「1 つの単語」「1 つの文」! 皆さんも練習してみて下さいね。 Now you try and practice. 日本手話:はい ASL:Yes visit us at HP見て下さい: www.deafjapan.com

DeafJapan Classes

Want to learn ASL or JSL? Join our classes: アメリカ手話、日本手話勉強したいですか?是非デフジャパン来て下さい: www.deafjapan.com Or view us live on: レアルビデオを見て下さい: www.ustream.com/channel/deafjapan

DeafJapan 1 Minute Signs デフジャパン 1分手話

Learn how to sign the word "Cute" in ASL and in JSL! アメリカ手話と日本手話『可愛い』勉強しましょう!

DeafJapan "I Love You" Photo Project, Hiroshima

Kaorin and Danny in Hiroshima, talking about their 2nd experience with organizing a group photo for the "I Love You" Photo Project for Tohoku. The first photo is at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and the second photo is at the Atomic Bomb Dome. Also Leah and Corey were involved in this project. Can you find them in the photos?

Osaka Deaf Women's Volley Ball Practice 大阪バレーボールチームももぐみ.mov

Osaka Deaf Women's Momogumi 大阪バレーボールチームももぐみ