嵐山の和食を食べます。 Japanese Lunch in Arashiyama, Kyoto


Corey, Leah and Rikomama eat a Japanese Lunch (Washoku) in Arashiyama, Kyoto.

Rikomama, explains all the different types of foods in traditional Japanese cuisine, which consists of many different vegetables, a variety of meats and low cholesterol.  

If you have a chance, please come to Kyoto and try some traditional Japanese cuisine (Washoku).



To learn more about "Washoku" (Japanese cuisine): 

一分手話『怪談』パート20 One Minute Signs "Ghost Story" part 20

It's midnight...

You see an old home...

The front yard with dead trees...

Clouds pass by a full moon... 

From the corner of your eye, you see a glowing glimpse... 

It suddenly feels cold...  








New DeafJapan ASL teacher Ashley's Self-Intro アシュレイ先生の自己紹介

アシュレイ先生の自己紹介 Ashley's Self-Intro Ashley will be joining DeafJapan from January and teach ASL. デフジャパンで1月からアシュレイ先生はアメリカ手話教えます。 We look forward to her coming to Japan! 楽しみです!


DeafJapan Minute Sign "Who" "誰".mov

One Minute, One Word, One Sentence. 「 1 分」「1 つの単語」「1 つの文」! ASL: Who 日本手話:誰 Now you try and practice. 皆さんも練習してみて下さいね。 visit us at HP見て下さい: www.deafjapan.com


DeafJapan Japanese American French Sign Languages

Common words in Japanese Sign Language, American Sign Language and French Sign Language.


DeafJapan Brittany in a Soy Sauce factory

Brittany and Riko visit a very old soy sauce factory in Kyoto.


Japanese Self Cooking Bento

Bento (Japanese Boxed Meals To Go) are usually served at room temperature or kept chilled until microwaved. However, this type of Bento cooks the meal without fire or use of microwaves. It uses a very hot "heating pad". Unfortunately, the heating pad is about half the size of the Bento, so the actual amount of food that you get is a bit of an illusion...
