Here is how you sign October in JSL:
右手は『10』Right hand = "10th"
左手は『月』Left hand = "Month"
Here is how you sign October in JSL:
右手は『10』Right hand = "10th"
左手は『月』Left hand = "Month"
Hello everyone,
If you ever wonder how to Survive in Japan (or Asian in general)? Just say "Sorry".
"Excuse me" (sumimasen) is probably the most often used JSL/Japanese daily word.
(Arguably, the words "Cute" (kawaii) & "Delicious" (oishi) come very close.)
Japanese people say "Sumimasen" for almost any situation:
1. Late to work: Say, "Sumimasen"
2. Enter an elevator (with people already inside): Say, "Sumimasen"
3. Opening a door for someone: Say, "Sumimasen"
4. Get the top score on a test: Say, "Sumimasen"
5. Win the Nobel Prize: Say, "Sumimasen"
6. Receive a nice compliment: Say, "Sumimasen"
7. Giving money: Say, "Sumimasen" (So Japanese)
8. Receiving money: (First refuse, 3 times) then say, "Sumimasen" followed by "Arigato Gozaimasu" (So very Japanese)
Use "Sumimasen" in any situation and Japanese people will feel that you are a very "respectful" person.
Lowering your "Ego" is considered to have "Wonderful manners".
Think of the "Samurai Way" (Not be selfish, complain, or think you're the best).
Here is the JSL version of "NO".
When older Japanese men want to say "No" (especially to foreigners), they usually cross their arms in an "X".
Hello everyone,
Long time no see!
Today's new Japanese Sign Language photo "Good work".
Many people think that the Japanese word "Sake"(酒)means Japanese Rice Wine.
But this is a terrible misconception...
"Nihon Shu"(日本酒)means "Rice Wine".
Nihon Shu, is the standard image of a "small ceramic bottle and shot glass / tiny plate".
Here are the many different types of liquors in Japan:
1. Beer(ビール)= 80% of beers are usually Lagers. Hard to find Ale and Pilsner types.
2. Shochu(焼酎)= Similar to Vodka, but usually 20% - 25% alcohol content.
3. Nihon Shu(日本酒)= Liquor made from rice.
4. Ume Shu(梅酒)= Plum wine.
5. All other spirits = Tequila, Vodka, Whiskey etc...
Corey, Leah and Rikomama eat a Japanese Lunch (Washoku) in Arashiyama, Kyoto.
Rikomama, explains all the different types of foods in traditional Japanese cuisine, which consists of many different vegetables, a variety of meats and low cholesterol.
If you have a chance, please come to Kyoto and try some traditional Japanese cuisine (Washoku).
To learn more about "Washoku" (Japanese cuisine):
A really great Deaf School in Tokyo, which promotes Native Japanese Sign Language and Japanese written language.
So very awesome to see Deaf children communicate fluently in Sign Language!
You see an old home...
The front yard with dead trees...
Clouds pass by a full moon...
From the corner of your eye, you see a glowing glimpse...
It suddenly feels cold...
Just stir your cup of coffee!
Hello everybody, we hope you're having a good summer, enjoying time with your family, friends and BBQ's! This month has been a really great, filled with a lot of fun and exciting things for us.
1. デフジャパンの生徒たち、私たちは2人のASLの先生、ギャリーとペーターと楽しむことができました。しかしながら、私たちは、ギャリー先生にサヨナラを言わなければなりません。彼は今月末にギャローデット大学に戻ります。彼と一緒に働けたことを光栄に思っております。うまくいけば、私たちは、近い将来、又、彼と会えるかもしれません。
1. DeafJapan students we able to enjoy having two ASL teachers, Gary and Peter. However, we must say goodbye to Gary, he is returning back to Gallaudet the end of this month. It's been such a great pleasure to have him here working together with us. Hopefully, we can see him again in the near future.
2. ダニーは、フランスのランスにて行われる、デフ映画祭『Clin d’Oeil』に出席します:
2. Danny attended the Deaf Film festival, "Clin d'Oeil" in Reims, France:
3. 2013年度のデフリンピック(ブルガリアのソフィア市)が7月26日~8月4日まで実施されます。カオリンが日本のバスケットボールチーム選手の小立哲也と同様に参加されます。
3. Also the 2013 Deaflympics (Sophia, Bulgaria) will be from July 26 - Aug 4. Kaorin will be attending as well as Tetsuya Odachi, a member of Japanese Basket Ball team.
Kaorin, Handsign and many volunteers have been working tirelessly to raise awareness and funding for the Deaf Japanese Athletes.
We hope they will have great games and interact with Deaf and Hard of Hearing people around the world. 来月のスケジュールはこちら
Here is next month's schedule:
From tomorrow, I'll be doing a presentation in Okinawa, "Foreigners Perspective of Japanese Deaf Education".
[green_message]Source: [/green_message] Follow me on Facebook at
日本手話『ラベンダー』はきれい。 Japanese Sign Language for "Lavender" is nice.
日本手話『コンビニ』はめっちゃ便利! Japanese Sign Language for "Convenient Store" is so convenient!
Here is the sign for "Hot" in Japanese Sign Language. 日本手話で「暑い」
梅雨の季節ですが皆さんいかがお過ごしですか? だいぶ暑くなり台風シーズンですね。
ろうあ者大会には3000人以上の方が参加されました。 写真やビデオはこちら
How are you enjoying your early summer?
Over 3,000 people attended. Here are some photos and videos of the Deaf Conference:
Next year, Nagano will hold the 62nd annual National Deaf Conference.
Nagano is very well known for it's Ski Resorts and Snow Monkeys that stay warm by staying in natural Hot Springs.
Drawing by Paul Guo:
場所:SLICES CAFE BAR 大阪市中央区西心斎橋2丁目3−21
ASL Lunch Party!
Date & Time: July 14 (Sun) 12:00-15:00
Place: SLICES CAFE BAR Osaka Chuo-Ku Nishi Shinsaibashi 2-3-21
Please email to with your name and your guests name to make a reservation.
Here is next month's schedule:
July Osaka ASL Schedule
July Osaka JSL Schedule
July Kyoto ASL Schedule
July Online ASL Schedule
This week’s 1 minute JSL and ASL video:
This month's videos:
皆さんこんにちは。 もうすぐ6月ですね。そして、第61回全国ろうあ大会が山形で行われます。
皆さんは、今年の春をどう楽しみましたか?春はとても快適だけど、もうすぐ夏がやってきます!暑くなる前にASL BBQを楽しみましょう!!!
それと、BBQセット器具、クーラーボックス、シート、お箸、コップ、調味料、タレ、焼そばソースなどはこちらが用意。 また、スーパー、コンビニは近所にあるよ。
【2013年 夏前BBQパーティー(飲み放題のみ)】
◆日時:6/9(日) 11AM~5PM(6hr)
◆参加費:2000円/大人、¥1500 デフジャパン生徒、1000円/学生、0円/子供
◆〆切:6/7(金) 定員なし
ギャローデット大学の黒人歴史月間。ギャリー·ホールはバラク·オバマ大統領がある。 (ASLと英語レベル:高)
Gallaudet University's Black History month. Gary Hall is President Barack Obama. (ASL and English level: High)
アメリカ手話 Basic ASLHello everyone,June is coming soon and the 61st National Deaf Conference will be taking place in Yamagata.
Last year's was held in Kyoto and there were 3,000 - 4,000 people who attended.
Hopefully, there will be many people coming this year.
DeafJapan will be going to Yamagata and we hope to see you there!How are you enjoying your Spring?
The weather is very nice! But soon summer will come. Before it gets too hot, let's have an ASL BBQ!!!
This month, Gary from Gallaudet University and Peter from Canada will join us. It will be a good chance to meet with people from America and Canada.
Here is the information:
When: Sunday, June 9th 2013 Time: 11:00 ~ 17:00 Where: Sakuranomiya Koen (see attached map above)
Fee: ¥2000/adult, ¥1500 for DeafJapan members, ¥1000/student, ¥0/kid You Get: All-you-can-drink"fresh" kegs of draft beer, chu-hi, soft drinks, BBQ equipment, utensils, plates, cups, napkins, BBQ sauce, ketchup etc Just BYO food, have a great time & we'll take care of the rest!
RSVP: Friday, June 7th 2013. All friends & family members are welcome, just let us know how many you'll bring when you RSVP.
Please contact to make a reservation:
We look forward to seeing you soon!
ギャローデット大学の黒人歴史月間。ギャリー·ホールはバラク·オバマ大統領がある。 (ASLと英語レベル:高)
Gallaudet University's Black History month. Gary Hall is President Barack Obama. (ASL and English level: High)
今月はまた新たなインターンの先生が来日します。 ギャローデット大学生のギャリー先生です。 来日をとても楽しみにしておられます。
面白いアシュレイ先生ビデオです。 Ashley in a Nara earthquake simulation.Hello everybody and Happy May!
We hope you are enjoying your Golden week with your family and friends. Or maybe you are enjoying the holidays by cleaning your home, sleeping all day long or having peace and quiet by yourself.
Last month we were very lucky to have Ashley come teach with us.
This month we will have another teacher, Mr. Gary Hall Jr. from Gallaudet University. He is currently a student there and is very excited to come to Japan.
I hope you all can learn new ASL and some Gallaudet Sign Language from Gary. I think it will be a great experience for you all to meet Gary and find out what is happening with Deaf people in America.
This month's schedule is:
Osaka ASL: