デフジャパンブログ iPad 2かiPhone5? DeafJapan Blog iPad 2 or iPhone 5?

March 3, 2011 [one_half_alpha] iPad 2かiPhone 5といったら... 確実にiPhone 5を買うよ。僕は未だにiPhone 3を使っていて、時々本当にイライラするんだ。たぶんテクノロジーに対して我慢強くないからだろうね。

iPad 2は買わないよ。前のやつを1台持ってるし、ブルートゥースのキーボードを使ってiPadにタイピングするのが大好きなんだ。iPadに直接タイプするのはたくさんミスをしてしまうから好きじゃないなぁ。


ではブルートゥースキーボードとiPadをどんな感じで使うのか、写真をご覧ください。 [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] iPad 2 or iPhone 5... Well, for sure, I'm going to get the iPhone 5 because I'm still using the iPhone 3G and it is so frustrating to use sometimes. Maybe it's because I don't have patience when it comes to technology.

I think I won't get the iPad 2, just because I already have the original iPad and I love how I can use my bluetooth keyboard and type on the iPad. I really don't like typing on the iPad itself because I make too many mistakes.

Even though I have my computer with me right now, I don't want to waste the battery just to type out a blog. I'm pretty quick with typing on my iPhone but, my neck hurts from looking down too much and I need to conserve the iPhone batteries for Google map, emails and phone calls.

Here's a photo of what it's like to use the iPad with a bluetooth keyboard: [/one_half_omega] [one_half_alpha]

翻訳 山田香穂

アメリカ手話教室DeafJapan 大阪市中央区常盤町1-4-3 東本町センタービル302号 デフジャパンオフィス (地下鉄谷町線谷町四丁目駅6番出口徒歩3分) web.   http://www.deafjapan.com mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega]

Japanese Translation by Kaho Yamada

Tokiwa cho 1-4-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka City 302 DeafJapan Higashihonmachi (3 min walk from Exit 6 Tanimachi Line subway station Yonchōme Tanimachi) web. http://www.deafjapan.com mail. deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_omega] Copyright (c) 2011 www.deafjapan.com School Project. All Rights Reserved.