デフジャパンブログ地震と津波 DeafJapan Blog Earthquake and Tsunami

March 13, 2011 [one_half_alpha] 地震と津波の被害は相当深刻です。国内過去最大規模の地震であり、とても痛ましい日となりました。








翻訳 山田香穂

アメリカ手話教室DeafJapan 大阪市中央区常盤町1-4-3 東本町センタービル302号 デフジャパンオフィス (地下鉄谷町線谷町四丁目駅6番出口徒歩3分) web.   http://www.deafjapan.com mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] The earthquakes and Tsunami are quite severe. This is a very sad day in Japan.

Many people have emailed us and sent us a message on Facebook. I and I am glad to say that we are all ok in the Kansai area.

Sendai, Miyagi and Chiba were severely hit, as well as Tokyo.

I was just in Tokyo last week and met so many people. I hope that nobody suffered any major injuries.

As of now we are also looking into the Deaf and Deaf-Blind people in the affected areas. We hope they are safe and have access to information.

The news has been reporting that there will be more aftershocks in the following month and I also hope that there won't be any other major problems.

I plan on going back to Tokyo to continue my documentary about Deaf Japanese Pro Wrestlers. I'll also try to conduct some interviews while I am there.

Our hearts go out to the people in the affect areas.

Japanese Translation by Kaho Yamada

Tokiwa cho 1-4-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka City 302 DeafJapan Higashihonmachi (3 min walk from Exit 6 Tanimachi Line subway station Yonchōme Tanimachi) web. http://www.deafjapan.com mail. deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_omega]

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