[one_half_alpha] こんにちは!
もしシンガポールへ行ったことがないなら、是非この冬に行くことをおすすめするね。なぜならシンガポールは一年中「夏」だから。 [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] Hi everyone,
It’s been a week since I’ve been back from Singapore. It was a really great trip.
Before I went to Singapore, I had no idea what the city looked like. I remember vaguely seeing a SMAP commercial AD with the singers singing on a large roof top (Marina Bay Sands). Pretty cool structure that has a pool on the roof for hotel guests and residents.
I was surprised to see how massive the Marina Bay Shopping center is. Especially since Singapore is a tiny, tiny, tiny island!
There are so many cultures that it reminds me of my hometown, New York City. Singapore can easily call itself the “New York City” of Asia (minus the Trash, Attitude and getting Ripped Off). You don’t have to worry about taxi drivers over charging you! And it’s 10 times cheaper then taxis in Japan.
The food was delicious! I was ordering Chinese, Indian, Singapore, Thai, Malaysian, Halal from different food stalls and having a feast! And lots of Tiger Beer! As soon as I came back to Japan I had raw carrots, cucumber, tofu and natto. I felt like I had to eat raw food for some reason.
But the main reason for going to Singapore was to continue with the “I Love You” Photo Project for Tohoku. This was my first international endeavor and I wouldn’t have been able to complete it without the help of some really great Singapore folks.
Lots of thanks to all the people who helped me organize the event, and many thanks to all the volunteers who came out to support the project.
The Deaf community is really open to everyone. Even if you don’t know sign language they will try to communicate with you or teach you Singapore Sign Language (mix between ASL and SEE)
If you haven’t been to Singapore yet, you should definitely go this winter. Because it only has one season, “Summer”.[/one_half_omega]
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