デフジャパンブログデフプロレスムワ様 DeafJapan Blog Deaf Pro Wrestler Muwa

March 4, 2011 [one_half_alpha] 日本人ろう者のプロレスラーであるムワさんを取材するために、東京から横浜に向かっている途中です。

2ヶ月前に初めて彼の写真を見た時、迫力ある目つきとポーズのせいで、彼は近寄り難く見えたんだ。でも1月にインタビューをしている間に彼の笑顔を垣間見ることができたし、ちょっと恥ずかしい話を聞き出すこともできたんだ。(皆さんはドキュメンタリー映像ができあがるまで少しお待ちください! )



翻訳 山田香穂

アメリカ手話教室DeafJapan 大阪市中央区常盤町1-4-3 東本町センタービル302号 デフジャパンオフィス (地下鉄谷町線谷町四丁目駅6番出口徒歩3分) web.   http://www.deafjapan.com mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] On my way to Tokyo from Yokohama to film a Deaf Japanese Pro Wrestler named Muwa.

Two months ago, I first saw his photo, he looked serious, with serious eyes and serious pose. But during out interview in January, I was able to make him crack a smile and talk about something embarrassing (you'll have to wait for the documentary to be finished.

This time I plan on focusing on his everyday life.  I can't go into detail about what exactly I will film, but I hope for some good funny moments with his family.


Japanese Translation by Kaho Yamada

Tokiwa cho 1-4-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka City 302 DeafJapan Higashihonmachi (3 min walk from Exit 6 Tanimachi Line subway station Yonchōme Tanimachi) web. http://www.deafjapan.com mail. deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_omega]

Copyright (c) 2011 www.deafjapan.com School Project.  All Rights Reserved.

デフジャパンブログ iPad 2かiPhone5? DeafJapan Blog iPad 2 or iPhone 5?

March 3, 2011 [one_half_alpha] iPad 2かiPhone 5といったら... 確実にiPhone 5を買うよ。僕は未だにiPhone 3を使っていて、時々本当にイライラするんだ。たぶんテクノロジーに対して我慢強くないからだろうね。

iPad 2は買わないよ。前のやつを1台持ってるし、ブルートゥースのキーボードを使ってiPadにタイピングするのが大好きなんだ。iPadに直接タイプするのはたくさんミスをしてしまうから好きじゃないなぁ。


ではブルートゥースキーボードとiPadをどんな感じで使うのか、写真をご覧ください。 [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] iPad 2 or iPhone 5... Well, for sure, I'm going to get the iPhone 5 because I'm still using the iPhone 3G and it is so frustrating to use sometimes. Maybe it's because I don't have patience when it comes to technology.

I think I won't get the iPad 2, just because I already have the original iPad and I love how I can use my bluetooth keyboard and type on the iPad. I really don't like typing on the iPad itself because I make too many mistakes.

Even though I have my computer with me right now, I don't want to waste the battery just to type out a blog. I'm pretty quick with typing on my iPhone but, my neck hurts from looking down too much and I need to conserve the iPhone batteries for Google map, emails and phone calls.

Here's a photo of what it's like to use the iPad with a bluetooth keyboard: [/one_half_omega] [one_half_alpha]

翻訳 山田香穂

アメリカ手話教室DeafJapan 大阪市中央区常盤町1-4-3 東本町センタービル302号 デフジャパンオフィス (地下鉄谷町線谷町四丁目駅6番出口徒歩3分) web.   http://www.deafjapan.com mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega]

Japanese Translation by Kaho Yamada

Tokiwa cho 1-4-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka City 302 DeafJapan Higashihonmachi (3 min walk from Exit 6 Tanimachi Line subway station Yonchōme Tanimachi) web. http://www.deafjapan.com mail. deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_omega] Copyright (c) 2011 www.deafjapan.com School Project. All Rights Reserved.

デフジャパンニュースビデオDeafJapan News Video

March 2, 2011 [one_half_alpha] 今日は水曜日。僕は今 "夜行バス" (ナイトバス) で東京に向かっているよ。東京までは8時間かかるけど、経費削減のためにはしょうがないよね。



鞄は40ポンド (20キロ) ぐらいだと思うんだけど、アップルストアまでは歩いて行くよ。 "ジーニアス・バー" のスタッフTシャツを着た彼らの知識には、毎回お世話になっているよ。アップルといえば... iPad 2... あぁぁぁぁー!!!

まぁとにかく、東京では人に会って仕事の話をしたり、 ドキュメンタリー映像 "日本人ろう者のプロレスラー!" の制作作業を進めていくつもりです。もっとインタビューをしたり、細かいショットを撮ろうと思っているんだ。


たまにお互いの言っていることを通訳しながら、自分たちの母国語の手話で、世界で起きている面白いニュースについて話すつもりだよ。 ろう文化や日本文化、アメリカの文化に関連した話、テクノロジー、スポーツ、お笑いなどなど、僕たちが興味のあることについて話したいと思う。


何か良いアイデアや提案があれば、 deafjapan@deafjapan.comまでメールをお送りください。

翻訳 山田香穂

アメリカ手話教室DeafJapan 大阪市中央区常盤町1-4-3 東本町センタービル302号 デフジャパンオフィス (地下鉄谷町線谷町四丁目駅6番出口徒歩3分) web.   http://www.deafjapan.com mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] It's Wednesday and I'm currently on a Naito Ba-su (Night Bus) to Tokyo. It's going to be a long 8 hours but I'm on a tight budget so the bus will just have to do.

It's quite a nice bus with big cushiony seats. But I'm more of a train person. I always wonder why there aren't any overnight trains from Osaka to Tokyo.

The ride would be a lot smoother and there would be a power outlet for me to charge my computer, iPhone, iPad, batteries, camera batteries, and video camera batteries.

I think my bag weighs about 40 pounds (20 kilos), I'm basically a walking Apple Store. All I need is one of those "Genius Bar" shirts. Speaking of Apple... iPad 2, Ahhh!!!

Anyway, I'm on my way to Tokyo to meet some people, talk some business, and continue working on my documentary, "Deaf Japanese Pro Wrestlers!" I plan on doing more interviews and filming specific shots.

In the mean while, I will be working on editing a new video that Kaorin and I filmed today, just before I got my bus. With the help Tetsuya, the director and Kaorin's boyfriend, we will be working DeafJapan News in JSL and ASL.

We will be signing in our native languages, occasionally interpreting for each other and talking about interesting news happening around the world. Some news stories will be related to Deaf Culture, Japanese Culture, American Culture, Technology, Sports, Comedy, and whatever else we feel like is interesting.

I hope you enjoy our first Episode, "Introduction" video:

Please feel free to email us any suggestions you may have:


Tokiwa cho 1-4-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka City 302 DeafJapan Higashihonmachi (3 min walk from Exit 6 Tanimachi Line subway station Yonchōme Tanimachi) web. http://www.deafjapan.com mail. deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_omega] Copyright (c) 2011 www.deafjapan.com School Project. All Rights Reserved.

デフジャパンブログ デフジャパンキッズアメリカ手話と英語レッスンDeafJapan Blog DeafJapan Kids ASL and English Lesson

February 24, 2011[one_half_alpha] ほとんどの国がそうであるように、日本の学校でも英語は必修です。文部科学省は従来、中学校からの英語教育の必須化を奨めてきましたが、今は小学校からの英語 教育導入を決めました。


しかし子どもというのは、私たちが考えているよりもずっと賢いものです。世界には、5歳の時点で2つ、あるいは3つの異なった言語を喋る子どもたちがたくさんいます! それらを混同してしまう子どもも確かにいますが、次第にそれぞれの言語の違いを学び、複数の言語でコミュニケーションができるようになります。


私が生まれてから 1. 両親は私に香港手話とアメリカ手話で話しかけました。 2. 曽祖父母とは台三語でコミュニケーションしました。台三語:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taishan 3. 叔父と叔母は私に広東語で喋りかけました。 4. いとことは英語で喋りました。




ですから、 1. 「幼少期に日本語以外の言葉を教えてはいけない」 2. 「まだ幼なすぎる」 3. 「混乱するにきまってる」 4. 「日本語を正しく喋れなくなる」 5. などなど... と言う人たち(親、教師、博士、言語学者)にひとつお聞きしたいです。




翻訳 山田香穂 [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] In Japan, like most countries, English is required in schools.  The Ministry of Education has traditionally required schools to teach English starting from Junior High Schools, but now have decided to start introducing English in elementary schools.

This is great that they have decided to introduce English at a younger age.  Before, many Japanese parents, educators and law makers thought that teaching a second language to young kids would make them confused.

But I believe kids are much smarter than we think.  There are many places in the world where kids are speaking 2 or even 3 different language by the time they are 5 years old!  Yes, it's true that some of them may mix up the languages, but they will gradually learn the differences and can communicate in multiple languages.

The same thing applies to Sign Language.  I grew up in NYC with Deaf parents from Hong Kong.  They moved to NYC, illiterate in English.  As newly arrived immigrants, they themselves had to learn American Sign Language.

After I was born: 1. My parents communicated with me in Hong Kong Sign Language and American Sign Language 2. My great grandparents communicated with me in Toishanese http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taishan 3. My aunts and uncles communicated with me in Cantonese 4. My cousins communicated with me in English

I was exposed to 5 different languages before I was 5 years old.

Everyday, there are many kids in Europe, India, Singapore and Hong Kong who are being exposed to multiple languages.  The benefits of teaching many languages to kids, outweighs teaching only one language.

I have never met someone who grew up with many languages say, "I wish my parents only taught me one language."  They all casually say, "Yes, I understand another language."  As if it was a part of their natural upbringing.

So I must ask, do all of those people (parents, teachers, doctors, linguist) who said: 1. "Don't teach your child another language now." 2. "Kids are too young." 3. "They'll get confused." 4. "They won't be able to speak Japanese correctly." 5. "Blah blah blah..."

Can those people speak a second language?

I bet most of them can't speak another language.

Here's a video of DeafJapan kids, last week Saturday, reading English and practicing ASL:

Japanese Translation by Kaho Yamada [/one_half_omega] [one_half_alpha]

アメリカ手話教室DeafJapan 大阪市中央区常盤町1-4-3 東本町センタービル302号 デフジャパンオフィス (地下鉄谷町線谷町四丁目駅6番出口徒歩3分) web.   http://www.deafjapan.com mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega]

Tokiwa cho 1-4-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka City 302 DeafJapan Higashihonmachi (3 min walk from Exit 6 Tanimachi Line subway station Yonchōme Tanimachi) web. http://www.deafjapan.com mail. deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_omega]

Copyright (c) 2011 www.deafjapan.com School Project.  All Rights Reserved.

デフジャパンブログ アメリカ手話 ABC 音楽ビデオデフジャパン 大阪で手話教室 DeafJapan Blog ASL ABC Song Video

February 24, 2011 [one_half_alpha] 大阪は少しずつ暖かくなってきてとてもいい感じだね。

でも昨日の夜は足がすごく冷たかった! だから靴下を2枚重ねて履いて犬みたいに丸まって、足があったかくなるようにして寝たんだ。


かおりん (http://ameblo.jp/kaorin1211/)

と彼氏のてつやさんが新しいアイデアを思いついてくれて、僕はすごく気に入ったよ! それが何かはまだ言えないんだけど、数週間後には少しだけお知らせできるかもしれない。




翻訳 山田香穂

[/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] It's been getting a little warmer in Osaka, which has been very nice.

But last night my feet were so cold!  I had to put on 2 pairs of socks when I went to bed.  I curled up like a dog and tried to get my feet warm.

Anyway, yesterday at DeafJapan, there was a great presentation by a Deaf Pantomime.  About 30 - 40 people showed up and everyone had a good time American Sign Language Classes DeafJapan.

Kaorin (http://ameblo.jp/kaorin1211/) and her boyfriend Tetsuya, have come up with a new idea and I think it's great!  I can't tell you what it is yet, but get ready for something new from us within the next couple of weeks.

And finally, after 3 weeks, I have gotten around to finishing editing an ABC ASL Sign Language video with DeafJapan kids.  It was really filming the video at a park near DeafJapan, but the best moments were when I was editing the video and laughing at all the mistakes we had.

It was like watching the outtakes of Jackie Chan's movies (without the Kung Fu).

Many thanks to mothers, kids, staff, friends, and Risky the guitarist!

Here's the video:

Japanese Translation by Kaho Yamada [/one_half_omega]

[one_half_alpha] アメリカ手話教室DeafJapan 大阪市中央区常盤町1-4-3 東本町センタービル302号 デフジャパンオフィス (地下鉄谷町線谷町四丁目駅6番出口徒歩3分) web.   http://www.deafjapan.com mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] Tokiwa cho 1-4-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka City 302 DeafJapan Higashihonmachi (3 min walk from Exit 6 Tanimachi Line subway station Yonchōme Tanimachi) web. http://www.deafjapan.com mail. deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_omega]

Copyright (c) 2011 www.deafjapan.com School Project.  All Rights Reserved.


デフジャパンブログアメリカ手話真中指3枚目2011-2-20 デフジャパン 大阪で手話教室 DeafJapan Blog Sign ASL Middle Finger 3rd Photo 2/20/2011

February 20, 2011 [one_half_alpha] 日曜日、日曜日、日曜日...




[/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] Sunday, Sunday, Sunday...

I love Sundays, but it looks like today is not such a sunny day.

But I’ll continue to work on editing my documentary. Here are some photos:

Also, I’ll be updating this website and putting up new photos in the office. Hopefully, it will make the office feel a little more warmer during this cold month.


[one_half_alpha] 中指を使った3つ目の手話です。 [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] Here is the third photo that uses the middle finger: [/one_half_omega] 感じる、Feeling [one_half_alpha] 感じる、Feeling

翻訳 山田香穂


アメリカ手話教室DeafJapan 大阪市中央区常盤町1-4-3 東本町センタービル302号 デフジャパンオフィス (地下鉄谷町線谷町四丁目駅6番出口徒歩3分) web.   http://www.deafjapan.com mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] Japanese Translation by Kaho Yamada

49 more to go.

American Sign Language Classes DeafJapan

Tokiwa cho 1-4-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka City 302 DeafJapan Higashihonmachi (3 min walk from Exit 6 Tanimachi Line subway station Yonchōme Tanimachi) web.   http://www.deafjapan.com mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_omega]

Copyright (c) 2011 www.deafjapan.com School Project.  All Rights Reserved.


デフジャパンブログ 2011-2-16 デフジャパン 大阪で手話教室 DeafJapan Blog 2/16/2011 DeafJapan Sign Language Classes in Osaka

February 16, 2011[one_half_alpha]




点線の矢印 “”(2回動かす)

頑張って! [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] Hi Everyone,

Starting from today, I will put up some Japanese Sign Language photos.

The first three photos will teach you the signs for Kyoto, Tokyo and Osaka.

The dotted arrows “"means, repeat the movement twice.

Do your best! [/one_half_omega] [one_half_alpha] 翻訳 山田香穂

デフジャパン 大阪で手話教室 大阪市中央区常盤町1-4-3 東本町センタービル302号 デフジャパンオフィス (地下鉄谷町線谷町四丁目駅6番出口徒歩3分) web.   http://www.deafjapan.com mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] Japanese Translation by Kaho Yamada

DeafJapan Sign Language Classes in Osaka. Tokiwa cho 1-4-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka City 302 DeafJapan Higashihonmachi (3 min walk from Exit 6 Tanimachi Line subway station Yonchōme Tanimachi) web. http://www.deafjapan.com mail. deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_omega]


デフジャパンの新しいアイフォンアップ 2011-2-15 New DeafJapan iPhone App 2/15/2011

February 15, 2011 [one_half_alpha] デフジャパンの新しいアイフォンアップ: アメリカ手話/日本手話/英語/日本語の単語カード 「 iPod Touch 4G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad」










- 分かりやすい写真付き - 4つの言語を勉強できる - 小さい二重線は手を揺らします - 矢印は手を動かす方向を示しています - 薄くなっている手が動きの最終形です


アメリカ手話教室DeafJapan 大阪市中央区常盤町1-4-3 東本町センタービル302号 デフジャパンオフィス (地下鉄谷町線谷町四丁目駅6番出口徒歩3分) web.   http://www.deafjapan.com mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] New DeafJapan iPhone App: ASL/JSL/English/Japanese Flashcards (iPod Touch 4G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad)

Great for studying common key words used in daily conversations.Travel to America or Japan and start to communicating quickly.

Tap on the photo to switch from Japanese Sign Language to AmericanSign Language.

Other countries that use ASL (or similar to ASL):

Canada, Mexico, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Côte d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Ghana,Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Chad, Gabon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, Mauritania, Kenya, Madagascar, and Zimbabwe.

Other countries that use JSL (or similar to JSL):

Taiwan and Korea.

Additional study tools:

English is written with American English pronunciation.  This will help you speak more like a native English speaker.

Japanese Furigana is also available.  This will help you to read and write kanji.

- High quality, clear photos - Study 4 different language - Small double lines to indicate hand wiggling - Simple arrows to show the direction hands - Opaque photos shows completion of the sign


American Sign Language Classes DeafJapan

Tokiwa cho 1-4-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka City 302 DeafJapan Higashihonmachi (3 min walk from Exit 6 Tanimachi Line subway station Yonchōme Tanimachi) web.   http://www.deafjapan.com mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_omega]

Copyright (c) 2011 www.deafjapan.com School Project.  All Rights Reserved.


デフジャパンブログ バレンタインディ 2/14/2011 大阪で手話教室 DeafJapan Blog Valentines Day 2011-2-14

February 14, 2011 [one_half_alpha] 雪降る大阪からハッピーバレンタイン!

毎週月曜日は一番忙しい日だけど、今日大阪ではたくさん雪が降ったから、雪化粧の大阪城を撮る絶好のチャンスだと思って写真を撮りに出かけたよ。 [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] Happy Snowy Valentines Day, Osaka!

Mondays are my most busiest days, but it was snowing so much in Osaka, that I thought it would be a really cool opportunity to go take a photos of Osaka Castle. [/one_half_omega]

大阪城 Osaka Castle

椿 (カミリア) Camilia (Tsubaki)

[one_half_alpha] アメリカでは男性が女性のためにチョコや花を買って、食事に誘ったりするんだ。

でも日本では女性がチョコを作ったり買ったりして男性にあげるよね。 日本のバレンタインとアメリカのバレンタインは全く違うね。

女性からチョコを貰ったからと言って、彼女が君のことを好きとは限らない。“義理”の可能性もあるからね。日本では2月14日に「チョコをあげる」というのは恒例行事なんだ。 でもたくさんチョコを貰ったラッキーな男性諸君、もらった女の子全員の名前を覚えておかなきゃいけないよ。3月14日のホワイトデーに何かお返しをあげなきゃいけないからね。



デフジャパン 大阪で手話教室

大阪市中央区常盤町1-4-3 東本町センタービル302号 デフジャパンオフィス (地下鉄谷町線谷町四丁目駅6番出口徒歩3分) web.   http://www.deafjapan.com mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] Valentines Day in Japan is the complete opposite to Valentines Day in the U.S.

In the U.S. men buy flowers, chocolate and dinner for women.  However, in Japan, women buy or make chocolate to give to men.

But just because a girl gives you a “Box of Chocolates”, it doesn’t necessarily mean she is into you.  It’s just the thing to do in Japan.  However, for all you lucky guys to who receive lots of chocolate, you’ll have to remember each girl who gave you a gift.  Because, you’ll have to return the favor on March 14, which is called “White Day.”

“White Day”, only exists in Japan (and I believe is a conspiracy, created by Japanese Chocolate companies), is the day that men give chocolate to women.

To the men in Japan, “You better start writing down the names of the women who gave you chocolate today.”

DeafJapan, Sign Language Classes in Osaka.

Tokiwa cho 1-4-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka City 302 DeafJapan Higashihonmachi (3 min walk from Exit 6 Tanimachi Line subway station Yonchōme Tanimachi) web. http://www.deafjapan.com mail.deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_omega]

Copyright (c) 2011 www.deafjapan.com School Project.  All Rights Reserved.


アジア多文化遺産ニューヨークで新しいお知らせ 6-22日〜26日 The NYC National Asian Deaf Conference updated info 6/22-6/26

February 14, 2011 [one_half_alpha] アジア多文化遺産ニューヨークで新しいお知らせ


一緒に行くことに興味がおありですか?私たちは今、関西国際空港からニューヨークまでの航空券(周遊チケット 約100,000円)を探しています。参加者が10人以上集まれば、航空券の割引があるかもしれません。今のところ8名の参加が確定しています。




航空料金: 100,760円 (税、手数料込み)

ホテル: シェラトンホテル 1泊10,000円(良い割引がありました。通常は1泊15,000円程します。) ツインルーム(ベッド2つ)を2~3人でシェアする場合、1人1泊3,000円~5,000円

7日間の合計 - 1部屋 7万円 2人でシェアする場合、1人35,000円 3人でシェアする場合、1人23,333円

NADC: 2,5000円(以下のものが含まれます) ・1年間のNADC個人会員資格 ・ニューヨークシティの観光情報 ・プログラムブック ・各種催し物 ・開会式 ・宴会 ・アジアンパフォーマンス/タレントショー ・様々なワークショップ ・展示会 ・トートバッグ

7日間のおおよその合計金額: 160,000円


興味のある方、ご質問がある方は deafjapan@deafjapan.comまでメールをお送りください。

アメリカ手話教室DeafJapan 大阪市中央区常盤町1-4-3 東本町センタービル302号 デフジャパンオフィス (地下鉄谷町線谷町四丁目駅6番出口徒歩3分) web.   http://www.deafjapan.com mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] The NYC National Asian Deaf Conference updated info

The National Asian Deaf Conference, in NYC, is coming soon.  This summer, July 22-26.

If you are interested in coming, we have found some airplane tickets (round trip) from Kansai Airport to NYC for about ¥100,000.  If 10 people join, maybe we can get more of a discount on the airplane tickets.  Now we have 8 people confirmed to go.

This will be a good chance to see NYC, meet Deaf American people, practice your ASL and English.  I will be going as well as other DeafJapan staff and members.  Most importantly, make more new friends!

In addition, Kaorin and I will be doing another short presentation in NYC.

Here is an estimate for cost:

Airfare: 100,760円 (税、手数料込み)

Hotel: ¥10,000 per night at Sheraton Hotel (Good discount, normal cost ¥15000 per night) 2 or 3 people can share a room, has two beds.  If you share, ¥3000 - ¥5000 per person. Total cost for 7 days - ¥70,000 for 1 room. Share between 2 people - ¥35,000 for each person. Share between 3 people - ¥23,333 for each person.

Total basic cost for 7 days about: ¥160,000.

From June 20 - June 28.

NADC:  25,000円 Includes: * 1 Year NADC Individual Membership * New York City Visitor Information * Program Book * Entertainment * Opening Ceremony * Gala Banquet * Asian Performance/Talent Show * Various Workshops * Exhibitions * Tote Bag

If interested please email: deafjapan@deafjapan.com

American Sign Language Classes DeafJapan

Tokiwa cho 1-4-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka City 302 DeafJapan Higashihonmachi (3 min walk from Exit 6 Tanimachi Line subway station Yonchōme Tanimachi) web. http://www.deafjapan.com mail. deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_omega]

Copyright (c) 2011 www.deafjapan.com School Project.  All Rights Reserved.


デフジャパンブログ 大阪で手話教室 2011-2-13 DeafJapan Blog Sign Language Classes in Osaka 2/13/2011

February 13, 2011 [one_half_alpha] みなさんこんにちは!


昨日オフィスのガスファンヒーターが壊れちゃったんだ... あー、ファンヒーター自体は壊れてないんだけどね。ガスホースに問題があって。どうやら本来ホースに付いてなきゃいけないゴムの部分が無くなってしまったみたいなんだ。点検に来てくれたガス会社の人に「代わりのゴムのやつだけ買って、今あるホースに付けることはできますか?」って聞いたんだけど、ダメだって。ガスホースは凄くデリケートだから、もしそうしてもガス漏れして火事になる可能性もあるって言われた。 だからビックカメラに行って新しいガスホースを買ったんだ。 面倒くさかった... でもやっとオフィスが暖かくなったよ!昨日の生徒の皆さん、寒くてごめんなさい。




アメリカ手話教室DeafJapan 大阪市中央区常盤町1-4-3 東本町センタービル302号 デフジャパンオフィス (地下鉄谷町線谷町四丁目駅6番出口徒歩3分) web.   http://www.deafjapan.com mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] Hello everyone!

It’s freezing in Osaka. But not as bad as my hometown in NYC.

Yesterday, the gas fan heater was broken... Well, it wasn’t broken. There was a problem with the gas hose. Apparently, there is very important rubber “thingy”, that we we need. I asked the gas man if I just buy a replacement rubber “thingy” and put it into my current hose. He advised against it. Saying that the hose is so delicate and that it might cause a fire. So I went to Bic Camera and bought a new gas hose. What a pain... But at least DeafJapan is warm. Sorry for the my students from yesterday, who were freezing.

Anyway, here is the second photo that uses the middle finger (Yes, I know it doesn’t sound very elegant, but if you have a better description for this hand gesture please email us.)

2. Lucky:

Just 50 more to go.

American Sign Language Classes DeafJapan

Tokiwa cho 1-4-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka City 302 DeafJapan Higashihonmachi (3 min walk from Exit 6 Tanimachi Line subway station Yonchōme Tanimachi) web. http://www.deafjapan.com mail. deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_omega]

Copyright (c) 2011 www.deafjapan.com School Project.  All Rights Reserved.


デフジャパンブログ 2011-2-9 DeafJapan Blog 2/9/2011

February 8, 2011 [one_half_alpha] 今日は忙しかったよ...あ、もう1時15分だから厳密に言ったら昨日だけどね。忙しかった。

月曜日のクラスがどんどん大きくなっているんだ。月曜日はアメリカ手話、日本手話、英語、韓国語、We Are Oneの中国語クラスがあるから、5つの教室を分けて作らなきゃいけない。


あとは1日中、中指を使ったアメリカ手話のレッスン内容を考えていたよ。(中指を立てる...とかじゃなくてね!) アメリカ手話にはこの手の形を使う単語が50個以上もあるんだ。

So here is the first ASL word with this hand shape:


I'll try to add a new ASL word with this hand shape every few days.

デフジャパン 大阪で手話教室 大阪市中央区常盤町1-4-3 東本町センタービル302号 デフジャパンオフィス (地下鉄谷町線谷町四丁目駅6番出口徒歩3分) web.   http://www.deafjapan.com mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] Today was a busy day... Wait a minute it's 1:15am, so technically,

Monday classes seem to keep growing. We had to make 5 separate classrooms (American Sign Language, Japanese Sign Language , English, Korean, Chinese classes『We Are One』)

We even had a live video lesson with a person living in Tokyo. I emailed them the ASL class lesson and they were able to see our class in Osaka.

I spent all day creating an ASL lesson plan. The lesson is about the middle finger (no, not the offensive finger). In ASL, there are over 50 words that use this hand shape:

So here is the first ASL word with this hand shape:


I'll try to add a new ASL word with this hand shape every few days.

DeafJapan Sign Language Classes in Osaka. Tokiwa cho 1-4-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka City 302 DeafJapan Higashihonmachi (3 min walk from Exit 6 Tanimachi Line subway station Yonchōme Tanimachi) web. http://www.deafjapan.com mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_omega]

Copyright (c) 2011 www.deafjapan.com School Project.  All Rights Reserved.


中国の旧正月イベント京都市 2011-2-11 Chinese New Year Party in Kyoto 2/11/2011

February 3, 2011 [one_half_alpha] 明けましておめでとうございます!中国の旧正月がやってきました!

今日と明日、明後日は中国や香港、世界中のチャイナタウンに住む人たちにとってとても大切な祝日です。 そこで、京都にあるWe Are Oneという団体が中国の旧正月をお祝いするためにパーティーを開いてくださいます。彼らは中国、香港、シンガポールなど、それぞれの国でどのように旧正月がお祝いされているか講演してくださるでしょう。

デフジャパンもこのパーティーに参加して日本手話の講演をする予定です。 皆様もどうぞお気軽にご参加ください。中国風のコスプレをしてきた方は500円オフです!

皆様のご参加お待ちしております。 デフジャパン

伝統的な中国のお祭りの中でも、旧正月は断然、1年の中で最も入念に準備がなされ、最も豪華で一番大切な祝祭です。 2月11日に、We Are Oneは皆さんをご招待し、世界人口の1/4を占める中国の人達に加わって旧正月をお祝いします!

パーティに参加して、新しい友達を作り、旧友と互いに新年の挨拶や、抱負を語りましょう。 どうして大晦日に魚を食べたり、おめでたい文字を書いてそれを逆さにして各家の戸口に飾るのか等の中国の伝統について学び、書道の達人が縁起の良い言葉を使って春の連句を書くのを追ったり、自分の干支から今年の運勢を確認したり、パーティの最後に旧正月の知識を試して賞品をゲットしましょう!


日時:2011年2月11日(金、祝)2pm〜5pm 場所:Zen Café

〒600-8142 京都市下京区土手町通七条上る納屋町418 TEL 075-342-2444 FAX 075-342-2440 コスト:2500円 (中国茶、中国の軽食、旧正月のお菓子付き)

中国の伝統服で来られる方は500円 OFF ご予約 we.are.one.japan@gmail.com

アメリカ手話教室DeafJapan 大阪市中央区常盤町1-4-3 東本町センタービル302号 デフジャパンオフィス (地下鉄谷町線谷町四丁目駅6番出口徒歩3分) web.   http://www.deafjapan.com mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] Happy Chinese New Year everyone!

Today, tomorrow and the day after is a big holiday in China, Hong Kong and all the Chinatowns in the world.  An organization in Kyoto, "WeAre One" is going to have a Chinese New Year Party and presentations talking about how different countries like China, Hong Kong, Singapore, celebrate Chinese New Year differently.

DeafJapan will be there to provide JSL interpretation.  Please feel free to join this event.  Wear a Chinese outfit and get a 500 yen discount!

See you there. DeafJapan

We Are One #42 Chinese New Year Party @ Zen Cafe, Kyoto Of all the traditional Chinese festivals, the lunar New Year is by far the most elaborate, colorful, and significant celebration of the year! On February 11th, We Are One invites you to join a quarter of the world’s population for the celebration of Chinese New Year!

Come join the party to make new friends and exchange good wishes with the olds; learn Chinese traditions such as why people eat fish on New Year’s Eve and hang lucky characters upside down on the door of every household; follow the calligraphy master to brush spring couplets with propitious words; check your Zodiac luck for a new year; and test your knowledge about Chinese New Year at the end of the night to win prizes!

The notion of getting together with your loved ones lies at the heart of lunar New Year celebration. Let us greet you with traditional Chinese delicacies and Chinese tea from Hong Kong and make it a memorable and jubilant day for you!

Date & Time: 11th Feb Fri (public holiday) 2pm~5pm Venue: Zen Café (besides Backpackers Hostel K's House Kyoto)

418 Nayacho, Shichijo-agaru, Dotemachi-dori, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto city, Japan 600-8142 TEL +(81)-75-342-2444 FAX +(81)-75-342-2440

It is about 10 mins walk from JR Kyoto Station

Cost: 2500yen (includes Chinese tea, Chinese finger food and Chinese New Year snacks) 500yen off for those in Chinese traditional costume RSVP to we.are.one.japan@gmail.com

American Sign Language Classes DeafJapan

Tokiwa cho 1-4-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka City 302 DeafJapan Higashihonmachi (3 min walk from Exit 6 Tanimachi Line subway station Yonchōme Tanimachi) web. http://www.deafjapan.com mail. deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_omega]

Copyright (c) 2011 www.deafjapan.com School Project.  All Rights Reserved.



February 2, 2011 [one_half_alpha]

もうすぐニューヨークシティでのNADC会議ですね。今年の夏、6月22日~26日です。 一緒に行くことに興味がおありですか?私たちは今、関西国際空港からニューヨークまでの航空券(周遊チケット

約100,000円)を探しています。参加者が10人以上集まれば、航空券の割引があるかもしれません。 今のところ6名の参加が確定しています。




航空料金: 100,760円 (税、手数料込み)

ホテル: シェラトンホテル 1泊10,000円(良い割引がありました。通常は1泊15,000円程します。) ツインルーム(ベッド2つ)を2~3人でシェアする場合、1人1泊3,000円~5,000円

7日間の合計 - 1部屋 7万円 2人でシェアする場合、1人35,000円 3人でシェアする場合、1人23,333円

NADC: 2,5000円(以下のものが含まれます) ・1年間のNADC個人会員資格 ・ニューヨークシティの観光情報 ・プログラムブック ・各種催し物 ・開会式 ・宴会 ・アジアンパフォーマンス/タレントショー ・様々なワークショップ ・展示会 ・トートバッグ

7日間のおおよその合計金額: 160,000円

興味のある方、ご質問がある方は deafjapan@deafjapan.comまでメールをお送りください。 [/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega] The National Asian Deaf Conference, in NYC, is coming soon.  This summer, July 22-26.

If you are interested in coming, we have found some airplane tickets (round trip) from Kansai Airport to NYC for about ¥100,000.  If 10 people join, maybe we can get more of a discount on the airplane tickets.  Now we have 6 people confirmed to go.

This will be a good chance to see NYC, meet Deaf American people, practice your ASL and English.  I will be going as well as other DeafJapan staff and members.  Most importantly, make more new friends!

In addition, Kaorin and I will be doing another short presentation in NYC.

Here is an estimate for cost:

Airfare: 100,760円 (税、手数料込み)

NADC:  25,000円 Includes: * 1 Year NADC Individual Membership * New York City Visitor Information * Program Book * Entertainment * Opening Ceremony * Gala Banquet * Asian Performance/Talent Show * Various Workshops * Exhibitions * Tote Bag

Hotel:   10,000円 per night at Sheraton Hotel (Good discount, normal cost ¥15000 per night) 2 or 3 people can share a room, has two beds.  If you share, ¥3000 - ¥5000 per person. Total cost for 7 days - ¥70,000 for 1 room. Share between 2 people - ¥35,000 for each person. Share between 3 people - ¥23,333 for each person.

Total basic cost for 7 days about: ¥160,000.

If interested please email: deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_omega]

Copyright (c) 2011 www.deafjapan.com School Project.  All Rights Reserved.


デフジャパンのクラスについて DeafJapan Classes Coming To You

January 29, 2011 [one_half_alpha]











東本町センタービル302号 デフジャパンオフィス


web.   http://www.deafjapan.com

mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com

[/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega]


DeafJapan Classes Coming To You


Recently, we have received a lot of emails from people all over Kansai.  Many people want to take ASL classes but they live far from Osaka or Kyoto, or their time schedule doesn't match DeafJapan's schedule.  We will now start offering new classes to match your schedule.  If you and 4 more people are interested in ASL classes, we will come to your town and teach ASL classes.

Please let us know:

Where you want us to teach?

What day?

What time?

Please email: deafjapan@deafjapan.com

We will contact you and try to make a new class that is convenient for you.

(This can also be available for our JSL, English, Chinese and Korean classes)

American Sign Language Classes DeafJapan

Tokiwa cho 1-4-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka

City 302 DeafJapan Higashihonmachi

(3 min walk from Exit 6 Tanimachi Line subway station Yonchōme Tanimachi)

web. http://www.deafjapan.com

mail. deafjapan@deafjapan.com



ホストファミリーについて Host Family

January 29, 2011 [one_half_alpha]












東本町センタービル302号 デフジャパンオフィス


web.   http://www.deafjapan.com

mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com

[/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega]


Host Family


Hello everybody,

This year, we plan on inviting more Deaf American teachers to teach at DeafJapan.  This will be a great opportunity to meet new Deaf Americans and learn more ASL and different signs.

We are looking for anyone who is interested in being a Host family for the Deaf American teachers.  This will be a good chance for you to improve your ASL and communication.  Also, you can teach the Deaf American teacher about JSL and Japanese culture.  This is a perfect time for a cultural exchange.

If you are interested in becoming a Host family, please email:


Thank you

American Sign Language Classes DeafJapan

Tokiwa cho 1-4-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka

City 302 DeafJapan Higashihonmachi

(3 min walk from Exit 6 Tanimachi Line subway station Yonchōme Tanimachi)

web. http://www.deafjapan.com

mail. deafjapan@deafjapan.com



デフジャパンキッズデー 2月27日 DeafJapan Kids Day 2/27

January 29, 2011[one_half_alpha]





アメリカ手話 (ASL) のレッスン、ASLを用いたユニークなゲームのイベントを子どもたちへ開催します。





[ 日時 ]  2011年02月27日(日)13:30〜15:30

[ 会場 ]  デフジャパンオフィス(地下鉄谷町線谷町四丁目駅6番出口徒歩3分)

※ MAP LINK = http://www.deafjapan.com/DeafJapan_Japanese/suo_zai_de.html

[ 参加費 ] 一家につき1000円(子どものみの参加は500円)

[ 問い合わせ ] deafjapan@deafjapan.com









東本町センタービル302号 デフジャパンオフィス


web.   http://www.deafjapan.com

mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com

[/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega]



DeafJapan Kids Day

at DeafJapan Office


DeafJapan Kids Day Information.

American Sign Language (ASL) lessons, DeafJapan will hold an ASL game

Also children will have an opportunity to learn the ASL signs for family.

This event is great for children and teachers who are interested in ASL.

Children will experience a new world.

Please come, learn and enjoy! We look forward to you coming.

● DeafJapan Kids Day

[Date] February 27, 2011 (Sun) from 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

[Place] DeafJapan (3 min walk four chome Station Exit 6 Tanimati Tanimachi Line subway)

※ MAP LINK =http://www.deafjapan.com/DeafJapan_Japanese/suo_zai_de.html

[Fee] ¥ 1,000 per family (only children attending 500 yen)

[Contact] deafjapan@deafjapan.com

※ This event is for middle school children -

Fee: ¥1000 per family (1 free drink and puff cream)

※ only a child can participate

(The participation fee is 500 yen per person, children, cream puffs with one drink)

※ Reservation required. Please pay on the day

American Sign Language Classes DeafJapan

Tokiwa cho 1-4-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka

City 302 DeafJapan Higashihonmachi

(3 min walk from Exit 6 Tanimachi Line subway station Yonchōme Tanimachi)

web. http://www.deafjapan.com

mail. deafjapan@deafjapan.com



新しいスケジュールのお知らせ New Schedule Information

January 23, 2011 [one_half_alpha]





アメリカ手話  レベル1.5  14:00 - 15:20

アメリカ手話(子ども) 17:00 - 17:45

韓国語 レベル1  17:45 - 18:45

アメリカ手話 レベル0  18:00 - 19:00

アメリカ手話 レベル1  18:00 - 19:20

英語 レベル1  19:00 - 20:00

日本手話レベル1   19:00 - 20:00

韓国語 レベル0  19:00 - 20:00

アメリカ手話 レベル0   19:10 - 20:10

アメリカ手話 レベル2   19:30 - 20:50

中国語 レベル1   20:00 -21:00

日本手話 レベル0   20:00 - 21:00

英語 レベル0 20:00 - 21:00


アメリカ手話レベル2   16:30 - 17:30

アメリカ手話 レベル1.5 19:00 - 20:20


アメリカ手話 (担当: 子ども) 16:30 - 17:15

アメリカ手話 (担当: 子ども) O 16:30 - 17:15

英語 (子ども) 16:30 - 17:15 (2月から時間が変わります→16:00-17:00)

アメリカ手話 レベル1 18:00 - 19:20 (2月から時間が変わります→17:10-18:30)

アメリカ手話 レベル3 19:30 - 20:50 (2月から時間が変わります→18:40-20:00)


英語(子ども)19:00 - 20:00 (3月から)



東本町センタービル302号 デフジャパンオフィス


web.   http://www.deafjapan.com

mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com

[/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega]

New Schedule Information

January 23, 2011


Monday (Osaka):

ASL 1.5 14:00 - 15:20

ASL(Kids) 17:00 - 17:45

Korean 1  17:45 - 18:45

ASL 0   18:00 - 19:00

ASL 1   18:00 - 19:20

English 0   19:00 - 20:00

JSL 1   19:00 - 20:00

Korean 0   19:00 - 20:00

ASL 0   19:10 - 20:10

ASL 2   19:30 - 20:50

Chinese 1   20:00 -21:00

JSL 0   20:00 - 21:00

English 1 20:00 - 21:00

Tuesday (Kyoto):

ASL 2   16:30 - 17:30

ASL 1.5 19:00 - 20:20

Saturday (Osaka):

ASL (Kids) 16:30 - 17:15

ASL (Kids) O 16:30 - 17:15

English (Kids) 16:30 - 17:30 (From Feb 16:00-17:00)

ASL 1 18:00 - 19:20 (From Feb 17:10-18:30)

ASL 3 19:30 - 20:50 (From Feb 18:40-20:00)

Sunday (Osaka):

English (Kids)19:00 - 20:00 (From March)

American Sign Language Classes DeafJapan

Tokiwa cho 1-4-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka

City 302 DeafJapan Higashihonmachi

(3 min walk from Exit 6 Tanimachi Line subway station Yonchōme Tanimachi)

web. http://www.deafjapan.com

mail. deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_omega]


1月のお知らせ January information

January 23, 2011 [one_half_alpha]











1. 我々の素晴らしいアメリカ手話教師、メグとエリコはこれからもっと多くのレッスンを受け持ちます。

2. 才能豊かなカオリンさんがDeafJapanの新しい日本手話教師として参加することになりました。

3.  韓国語のレッスンを開始しました。興味のある人は誰でもご参加ください。


中級レベル -17;45~18:45

初級レベル - 19:00-20:00

4.  中国語のレッスン -私達はひとつ- を受講可能です。




5.  この度、ジャパンサイナーサービス合同会社から、DeafJapanへビデオ・リレーサービスを寄付していただきました。病院や学校へ電話しないといけないとき、友達からビデオリレーサービスの日本語の手話通訳を使いたいと聞いたら、ぜひこちらを活用してください。このサービスは聴者へ(手話)会話を訳してもらえるサービスです。このサービスはDeafJapanの生徒およびメンバーに限り有効です。

Here is JSS's info:



URL: http://www.japan-jss.com/


FAX: 045-263-6363 / E-Mail: info@japan-jss.com



東本町センタービル302号 デフジャパンオフィス


web.   http://www.deafjapan.com

mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com

[/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega]


January 23, 2011


Hello everyone,

Recently, I must focus on more media and technical stuff for DeafJapan.

I plan on editing the DeafJapan Christmas video with Kaorin, editing the CSUN visitors who came to Japan (this will be a great way to learn some California Signs)  and working on a new iPhone app (ASL/JSL travel cards).

In addition, I will be in Tokyo, working on my first documentary about Deaf Pro Wrestlers.

As usual, I won't get much sleep but this year, I really want to focus on video media.  Also, we will begin to try and video record our ASL lessons.  So if you are absent, you can view the lesson on the internet.

This month there has been a lot of new info that I would like to announce.  I'll try to keep them short and simple:

1.  Our great ASL teachers,  Meg and Eriko will be teaching more ASL classes.

2.  The very talented, Ms. Kaorin has join DeafJapan as a new JSL teacher.

3. Korean class is open for anyone who is interested.  The Korean teacher will also teach you Korean Love Songs (Wow!).

Intermediate level: 17:45 - 18:45.

Beginner level: 19:00 - 20:00.

4.  Chinese classes are also now available through "We Are One".  Classes or on Mondays from 20:00 - 21:00.  It is very interesting to see the same Kanji in Japanese and Chinese, but have different meanings. We are working together with them and expect more DeafJapan and We Are One collaborations for future events.

5.  Japanese Signer Services has donated a Video Relay Service to DeafJapan and if you need to make a phone call to your hospital, school, hearing friend or family you can use the Video Relay Service and communicate with an Japanese Sign Language interpreter.  They will interpret your conversation to a hearing person.  This service is only available to DeafJapan students and members.

Here is JSS's info:

Japan Signers Services, LLC.

URL: http://www.japan-jss.com/


FAX: 045-263-6363 / E-Mail: info@japan-jss.com

American Sign Language Classes DeafJapan

Tokiwa cho 1-4-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka

City 302 DeafJapan Higashihonmachi

(3 min walk from Exit 6 Tanimachi Line subway station Yonchōme Tanimachi)

web. http://www.deafjapan.com

mail. deafjapan@deafjapan.com



日本手話クラスのキャンペーン Japanese Sign Language Class Campaign

January 14, 2011[one_half_alpha]



Japanese Sign Language Class Campaign








1. お名前

2. ご住所

3. 連絡先


5. 手話歴




東本町センタービル302号 デフジャパンオフィス


web.   http://www.deafjapan.com

mail.   deafjapan@deafjapan.com

[/one_half_alpha] [one_half_omega]


January 14, 2011

Japanese Sign Language Class Campaign □■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□

From 1/14 - 2/15, Join DeafJapan’s Japanese Sign Language class and the entrance fee will be waived.

Class fee: ¥4000 = 4 classes per month

To sign up, please

Fax: 06-6355- 4910


Email: deafjapan@deafjapan.com

1. Name

2. Address

3. Contact

4. or deaf or hearing

5. history of sign language

Thank you.

American Sign Language Classes DeafJapan

Tokiwa cho 1-4-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka

City 302 DeafJapan Higashihonmachi

(3 min walk from Exit 6 Tanimachi Line subway station Yonchōme Tanimachi)

web. http://www.deafjapan.com

mail. deafjapan@deafjapan.com [/one_half_omega]
